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7 Best High Paying Jobs 2023


So with global economic inflation and signs leading to an economic recession, everyone is scouring for a job, and one that pays highly at that. But a lot of jobs require a four-year degree yet not everyone has the money or time to pursue a degree at an expensive university or college. Plus many job postings out there have impossible requirements such as “do you have a 4 year degree, have 10 years of experience, and 4 years of supervisory experience… for this entry level position?” If you’re one of those people that are just tired of what’s currently out there, then you are in the right place watching this video because I have a list of seven high-paying jobs that do not require a four-year degree for you! They’re definitely out there and I’m going to help you with your research! If you like these types of content and want to see more, make sure to like this video and subscribe to my channel, as I would greatly appreciate that. Now onto the first job on our list! Flight Attendant If you’re between 5’2 and 6’3 inches tall, have a great set of pearly whites, and are confident with your interpersonal skills, then take to the skies and try becoming a flight attendant. Flight attendants usually only have physical requirements such as height that allow them to assist passengers with their luggage. Airlines will require aspiring flight attendants to be personable, have great customer service skills, and memorize how to put on an airplane seatbelt and oxygen mask! Best part is, this position mostly just requires a high school diploma to apply. With the world slowly opening up once again, and the shortage of flight attendants or any airline staff for that matter, future flight attendants are now being sought after by airlines, and with a median salary of $55,000. A job that provides free lodging, travel around the world, and flight benefits and perks, flight attendants is actually a great way to earn a living without a degree!



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